Once the chaos of the winter season has passed, spring cleaning becomes the next reasonable task. We're anxious to open the windows, and empty out those drawers or corners where mess accumulates. This happens in the workplace too, doesn't it? Not only do we need to clean the windows and wipe away the dust, it makes sense to do a white glove test on your books, your systems, and your processes. It is much easier to get a handle on your priority list of to-dos when your office is clean, manageable, and orderly. You can even use this time in the weeks ahead to revisit your plans for 2023. Are you still on track to meet your goals? Are there any course corrections you need to make?
Here are ten tasks to start your spring cleaning for 2023:
- Evaluate your year-to-date financial results compared to your 2023 budget. Reset expectations based on current trends you are seeing.
- Examine your cash reserves to ensure adequate cash flow to cover tax payments and other cash needs. Look for any shortfalls or gains in projected cash availability.
- Review your employee and business insurance policy terms to ensure adequate coverage.
- Reconsider the transition plan for your business to confirm it makes sense given the current state of operations.
- Evaluate your systems and process documentation so you can eliminate or streamline things that aren’t working well, or document what is working well.
- Consider going digital—scan, save and purge non-essential hard copies of files (see our latest CFO Minute: Start the Year off Right).
- Update client and vendor information and files.
- Freshen up your online presence—is your website content up to date? Are there new services or products to be added? New contact information? Are you posting regularly on social media and engaging with your followers and fans?
- Answer, file or delete emails each day—unsubscribe from non-useful and distracting emails; set up rules to route news to pertinent folders in Outlook; flag hot priorities emails to ensure you don't lose track of them.
- Clear your desktop of anything you don’t use regularly.
There's always more to do.
Spring cleaning for your small business requires more than just scrubbing or dusting. It might also include ensuring everyone is following policies and procedures, and that your data and systems are protected. Whatever the task, it's may be tempting to put it off until later. Be diligent. Your reward? The peace of mind knowing even the small details are covered and cared for this year. If you’d like more information about what All In One Accounting can do to help speed up your spring cleaning, contact us today!