Below is an article Heide Olson, CEO and founder of All in One Accounting, posted on LinkedIn in August 2022 regarding our recent customer survey. Enjoy!
At All In One Accounting, we’re here to help businesses focus on what matters most while we take care of the financials. The past two years have been especially hard on small businesses and nonprofits who have come through the pandemic, needed to restructure the way they operate, and faced staffing challenges, product shortages, and inconsistent sales or funding. Recently, we sent out a customer survey to gauge how business is going, how our team is doing, and what we can do to help. Here’s what we learned.
The biggest challenges facing our customers today are increased costs of goods and services, finding and retaining quality employees, and expanding their outreach. I was not surprised by these responses, as increased costs and lack of staffing are recurrent themes in small and large businesses across the U.S. today. Now more than ever, it’s essential that businesses have sound financials so that they can weather current economic conditions and focus on reaching new customers. Alternatively, the majority of customers who completed the survey acknowledged that expanding their customer base is also their biggest opportunity for growth, along with seeking funding from external sources. It’s our job at All in One Accounting to help businesses get their financial ducks in a row so that they can make informed investment decisions and find opportunities to increase revenue. Lastly, the survey demonstrated that many of our customers are seeing growth in their businesses in 2022 and that the services we offer at All in One Accounting are valuable to their success. |
Here’s what they’re saying: “I'm so happy to work with you - you take away my worries!” “The team has been so great to work with. I'm so glad we are working together.” “I know you've got my back and you are able to shift and change and leap and bound and step back in order to to follow the needs of my business as it is and as it might be in the future. Your versatility has been a huge asset to my company.” |
To those of you who filled out the survey, thank you for your crucial feedback. We’re constantly seeking opportunities to improve our services and find solutions, and greatly appreciate when our customers take the time to let us know how we’re doing.
If you are a current customer who didn’t have a chance to fill out the survey, please don’t hesitate to reach out and offer feedback. We are proud to partner with you to help you reach your goals with innovative accounting services. Together, there’s nothing we can’t tackle. Here’s to growth!